
Cloud Nine Symphony

If there is a heaven, I've figured out what it must be. Your spirit rises out of your body, arrives at the pearly gates and St. Peter, or whoever guards the gates tells you to proceed. And as soon as you open the gate even just a little bit, BAM! flashes of light, colours, and GOD, with all his angels AND, this is where we all come in, every person in Heaven, singing an enormous, fantastic musical number. God's struttin' around, sparkly and divine and every good person you've who's ever died is singing along with the chorus. Everyone is dancing. Everyone has big smiles on their faces. Your grandma is dancing there in front of you, she brings you cookies. Even the bad people are in Heaven singing and dancing. It cleanses you I imagine, being in Heaven, singing the best music ever. Hitler dances up there, alongside throngs of Jews. If Heaven exists, there can't be a Hell. That's crazy. If God loves us all and gave us free will he wouldn't introduce a terrible painful punishment. He'd forgive and continue to love us. Also, in this hypothetical Heaven, people wouldn't sing with their Earth voices. You'd be singing with the best possible version of your voice, reinforced with magical God-dust. That's the only way it could be. Everyone can get along so long as they're singing a song about it.

'Don't care about our differences, cause, Hell, we're all dead
religion don't matter, cause this sparkly dude's keepin us fed,
Dancing in Heaven to a magical DJ
Can't believe the voice that's comin out of this head'

Worst lyrics ever. I imagine they'd be better in Heaven, you should too. But tha'ts probably what it'd actually be like. Everyone would be so happy forever singing about all sorts of wonderful things. Everyone just magically knows the words and gets along in duets. Anyways, that's a thought.

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