
Stripped of Descript.

There are some things in life that just need to be done. They need to be. There are no choices, just ‘oh hey, that needs to be done, cool I’m gonna do that now’. And it’s these things, which arise billions of times every day all over the world, spreading throughout the lives of every person that have made me think.


Looking into my own life, I need to lose some weight. I’m overweight. No secret there. I need to. It isn’t a choice, and it never really was. If it threatens my life, and it is obviously a threat, then it needs to change. This got me thinking. At first I was all like ‘oh man, this is gonna be hard’. And then it kind of just hit me. No. No it’s not. Because it needs to be done. Difficult and easy are just perceptions that human beings put on things. If something needs to be done, whether you might find it difficult or not is irrelevant. It has to begin, run through and end, and because of this, it loses many characteristics. Things that need to be done also lose the ideology of right and wrong. A dog has rabies and it needs to be put down. Killing the dog is a need, so it isn’t right, nor wrong. It simply is. The federal debt of the United States of America is astounding. Something needs to be done about it. Whatever choices are made as to solving this problem will be neither right, nor wrong. They could stop tax cuts, reduce pollution and stop the war in Iraq or it could kill all of the senior citizens costing the country billions and billions of dollars. Obviously it would seem that one’s outward evil, but if something needs to be done, it needs to be done. Simple as that. Obviously, because America is a democracy, no one is going to kill all the old people, but if it came down to either that, or the country demolishes itself, they’re gonna go the route of genocide. Because it won’t be wrong. It will be required. Needed.


That’s pretty extreme. But think about how that ideolgy applies to your own life. For an example of my own, Jill and I’s relationship wasn’t working well anymore near the end, so we broke up. It was needed. It was neither happy nor sad, good nor bad, but just there. Okay, so I thought it was sad. I felt it was sad, rather. But still, that I can chalk up to human emotion, which doesn’t play by any rules. I have to pay down debt. It’s gross, but it’s there. It needs to be done, and with the right approach, an open-minded, enlightened approach, it can be handled. Without feeling good or bad, without it being easy or hard. I will deal.


A lot of what I have to say is really tuned to me and my problems. Geez, I never wanted my blog to turn into such, so I’ll try to keep my newer entries a little more unbiased, clean, dare I say happy :P

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