

Let me begin by saying, I am warm. Not only do am I currently wearing a hoodie/sweatshirt and sweatpants complete with underwear, but I have wrapped around my neck not once, not twice, but three times is my darling’s most recent gift to me, a brilliant, scintillant, grey scarf, the length of a humans intestines. Not quite that long, but very long.

I haven’t posted anything on my blog for a long while. I’m not sure why, exactly. I suppose I simply didn’t have the reason to write. I listen to music, I read books, I can hear rain outside, so what more needs to be said? A question not easily answered. Even now I’m not sure what I want to talk about, write about. I’m simply going with the flow. Hopefully it leads me to something entertaining, and in a hurry. Alright, here’s an idea I’ve been thinking about recently, and it’s really sparked my interest.

Imagine if. By some twisted stroke of luck, you suddenly came into a trillion dollars.


or as the French would write

1,000,000,000,000 $

Anyways, that’s a whole lot of money. What does someone do with that? I thought about this for a good two seconds before my mind said walrus with some determination. Sure cars and boats and tv’s, whatever, but a walrus? I know what you’re thinking. Badass. Bad. Ass. Wouldn’t it be a something to walk down the street walking a big ole’ walrus.

This isn’t the thought I was having recently.

AFTER the walrus, I would do this incredible project.

Assemble a team of the best scientists, the best designers, the best architects and engineers in the world. Gather them all together. The most brilliant minds on the whole surface of our planet, and discuss with them, Project Dawnhammer.

Imagine an oil refinery built upon the surface of the ocean, with piping reaching deep and drinking the oil from beneath the ocean floor. Completely encircling the refinery in every direction is a kilometer of metal land. Small hubs of buildings dot the surface as a community is built under the surface, reaching down from this floating plate. Power plants, schools, cafeterias, apartments and marinas. Every building accounted for. Everything a community needs is there. Not that little list mind you, that was meant to represent a fraction of what there is.

With $100,000,000,000, that’s one hundred billion dollars (a tenth of one trillion), this could happen. All the materials, the transport and the assembly. I could build a completely safe, completely awesome, completely isolated island, supported by a petroleum field dozens of miles below. That is amazing. Now what do you do with it?

1,000 families. I think that’s a good number. Move roughly 5,000 people onto this thing. Create your own community. There will be no gangs, you’re in the middle of the ocean. There will be no crime, you’re in the middle of the ocean. There will be no drugs, YOU’RE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE OCEAN. It’s all able to be controlled now. It’s a fresh, brand new start. With incredibly simple numbers to work with. Five thousand people? No problem. You can cater to their needs. Their children can grow up in a completely crime-free and drug-free environment, learning from dedicated and outstanding teachers brought in from all around the world. It’s a chance to build something the way it should be.

The question becomes money. Because I can’t expect this to cost nothing once it’s built. To maintain something as remote and expensive as this requires some sort of gain. Some earning quality and potential to be found in it. Should you wish to read the true and complete means to the rich and gainly state my community becomes you’ll need to read the detailed posts of years past entitled “The Perfect Country”. It has several parts/posts, because I’m badass like that. If you’re actually seriously contemplating reading it (it’s sort of like a series of short essays) then it’s in my old blog http://www.my-diary.org/read/?read=107791 where it’s logged under November. I just read a couple entries there and boy was I driven. I was also a really cocky son of a bitch. And right flurried with teen angst, but whatever. I think it’s a good read, mind you.

So I’m pretty much finished with this post. It explained a very small portion of what I have thought up for this “island” in the sea. Project Dawnhammer.


Let Go said...

Behehe I remember your old blog...

And hey, what about a robot? Project Robot, remember! With the tarp and the whatever else! I guess we already completed that though...

Bean said...

I love you.
You're just so good.
And a hell of a lot smarter than your average bear... or walrus, for that matter.

Martha said...

i love it. project dawnhammer is totally a go if we ever fall into that much money.

Tarantula eyes said...


david santos said...

Good text, thank you,
have a good weekend

Anonymous said...

You should update more while I am away... because that would be nice... and I like you... kisses and hugs and loves and misses.
Your Jilly-Bean