
Do your best.

I wish there was a word for frustration you have with someone you love whilst being pulled two different ways then wrung around a finger, ending with leaving at 1:15 in the am. Then there would be one more word to put under the definition of love.

Everybody thinks love is this magical thing that two people have and then they’re happy. It’s just a wee bit more complicated than that. When you’re happy with someone you care about, that’s called happiness, not love. Love is when that person pisses you off and annoys you. It’s when they start dumping all the shortcomings they think they have on you. It’s when you’re smiling one minute and being cried on the next. And that’s what love is; it’s having all that and still being happy underneath all the confusion on top.

That’s why you can’t force love. If you start ‘loving’ someone you’re gonna start pouring yourself into them and creeping them out and crying yourself to sleep at night. Then you wait… and nothing happens. That’s one-sided love. That’s a bucket of water dumped over a potted flower. If you want a mutual, returned love, you hold off, you build a foundation of trust and you let yourself slowly start to massage itself into your special someone.

I find love to be one of the most difficult endeavors of my life. I also find it to be one of my most rewarding avenues. That’s love for you. All I can hope for myself and all I can hope for all of you is the best. Do your best, and accept only the best. Everybody works for love, and everybody wins. I think one W. K. Kellogg said it best in what is quite obviously a metaphor for the struggle of passion;

Show em’ you’re a tiger; show em’ what you can do. Do your best on Tony’s team, bring out the tiger in you.

Anything I say following that will only sound hokey in comparison. He said it people, it’s time we listen.


Tarantula eyes said...

miss you

Bean said...

You. Are. Breathtaking.
<3 <3 <3 <3

Ky said...

that wise old tiger.

Queen of Hearts said...

gregoire, there are many times when your wisdom amazes me

Tarantula eyes said...

thanks for your insite jordan(on my latest entry) you are right, of course. i miss you a lot
much love