
If hate is a coat, I'll go cold.

“If you hate a person, you hate something in him that is a part of yourself. What isn't part of ourselves doesn't disturb us.” - Hermann Hesse

What I take this to mean is simply that without understanding something, you can’t hate it. We all hate things. Most of us hate people. I think that when we hate someone, we’re recognizing a part of them that we have ourselves; a part of ourselves that we aren’t fully comfortable with. In hating a trait about someone else, we actually hate that trait in ourselves. We just aren’t mature enough to come to grips with it yet, so we throw blame, hate, onto other people. Is that your psyche desperately trying to make you realize that you need to change?

Your Brain: “Hey! Hey! You see that!? That’s what you are! I live with that personality trait, it’s terrible, get rid of it! That’s YOU!”

You: “Man I hate that guy.”

Remember being young and ‘hating’ so many things? Hating vegetables, hating baths, hating chores. We were all young and we were all inexperienced. We didn’t understand a whole lot. As we grew and matured we’ve all lost hate of food. Food is food, we understand that. We may not care for the taste of something, but we don’t hate it. Hate is based in immaturity. A hateful person will often find themselves hated in return.

We all say we hate some people, for the most part, and something I think we all need to accept, myself included, is that hate can succumb to love, and in finding yourself fully, and loving yourself fully, that hate will flake off like ash in the wind, leaving a beautiful, polished, confident person, entirely capable of loving fully and hating nothing.

If hate is a coat, I’ll go cold.

in other news

“An artist avails himself to both the darkness and the light. A brave artist swims in the same water in which the personality of the psychotic drowns.” - Unknown


Bean said...

*kisses* You have a way with words babe.

Martha said...

i love this post dear

Tarantula eyes said...

i totally agree with your hate philosophy...its the things i hate in myself which are repulsive when i see them in others.

much love to you

Queen of Hearts said...

sweet quotes
thats all i got

Tarantula eyes said...

i had a dream last night that you were working at a mcdonalds somewhere and i randomly came across it. and then you gave me a hug in the girls washroom. not many of those women washed their hand i can tell you...which is gross. end of dream.

I miss your hugs

Bean said...

Just a reminder from Martha the Update Nazi's SS...
I will give you much kisses and snuggles, otay?