
Truth is in Everything.

I don't know why this is funny...
But it's funny.

School is fun. It felt good to just shove myself back into the system. Like, to be forcibly organized again? That felt good. I’m gonna have to learn to control myself a little better if I’m gonna stand a chance at not being a complete idiot when I move out next year with Ky. Just working and living? I better figure out something to organize myself or it’s gonna be mayhem. Although a little mayhem is quite welcome sometimes.

I’m only updating this thing because I’m procrastinating going to bed. Alright, I’m gonna dig something up from my computer and post it on here and that’ll be my entry. That should be fun.

Burning sky.

We never thought the sky would turn to blistering flame and stay that way forever. But it has, and it will. Something that was once relied upon as a source of much needed calm in troubled times is now gone, cloaked in ever-burning flames. Young children will still ask their simple question, but that paradoxical answer will be faulty, for the oceans don’t run red. Only the sky has supposedly turned its allegiance.

In the past, the sky was always blue. Only every once in a while would it rear its ugly side, and even then, only rain was its bane. Storms once proved to be its worst plague upon the world, but even those, the world found ways of avoiding. They never imagined the sky would burn, but now it knows only flame.

The world blames the sky for its fiery being. It doesn’t know the truth, how long it has been blessed. The sky has always been on the verge of flames. The heat licking across its face like tears held in for far too long. Through an unimaginable sense of duty to the world that takes it for granted, a sense of duty that the world could never understand, the sky remained blue. The world doesn’t know the self-destruction, the restraint, on the part of the sky, since time began.

The sky is on fire. It burns more passionately than any inferno could on land, or at sea.
The sky is ablaze, a testament to failure. Failure to oneself and failure to the world.
The sky is no longer taken for granted, but cursed, its endurance for the world a secret none will know.

I wrote that way the fuck back when. Let’s see… Friday, October 22, 2004, 10:34:27 PM. Neat-o. Not really poetry, not really prose. Not really anything. Kind of neat though.

~~ ~~~~~ ~~

Truth is in everything we do. We can find it. You and I both can find it.

“Life is 10 percent what you make it and 90 percent how you take it.” - Irving Berlin

The man has a point. Why live your life if you’re not going to live your life? Why go places if it’s because you have to? Instead, go places you have to and, accepting that, make the best of it. Smile. Deal. Win. Lose. Do what you have to, but always do so with love.

“Do I know what I’m doing here? No. But I’m here, and I’m gonna give it my best shot.”

In other news,

My blog is a dirty place, and I can’t do any justice to describe how happy I am to just be. To just be and to just be with you.


Queen of Hearts said...

awe, u are cute. i wish i had a porttion of your warm fuzzies

jordanibanez said...

The next time I'm in my bathroom trimming my warm fuzzies I'll put some in a ziploc baggie for you.

Queen of Hearts said...

awe thanx gregoire

VivaLaPinto said...

