
The short end of fine.

Chavez ~

So me and JHames fucking made out own bong now guys. It’s made of a 2-litre bottle, empty (of course) okay. We took two bowls out of it. It’s fucking stellar. I just. Ahahahajh, ohkay. We made pizza. It was fabulous. I’m still eating it, so it remainsd fabulous. Okay, so I’m gonna keep this open and progressively, as the night goes on. That ewasssupposed to be in parenthesiuss. I fucking love that word. Parenthises. .So yes. I’m gonna come back to this progressively and continue this update as I reach higher and more stellar levels of sweetness. Pizza awaits. The dawn of a future! Firebirds! Away!

Okay, so James and Icreated a bong tonight, and we have named him. He’s, like, the most haggard little bong-buddy you’ll ever meet. All shitty. He’s two buddies that show up at a party, both Mexican. One yammers on, all quick-speak with his Spanish accent, corrupting and stealing away all the women, introducing them to his greasy, thuggish counterpart.

So anyways. Lot’s of contact with people I’ve been wasy out of contact with for a long itime. Prtetty sweet, because I haven’t seen them at all for so long and everything. So they’re all kinda in touch now and it’s fonnwa be pretty swet. Hopefully. I’m pretty high. It’s kinda, yeah. No more wows for me, thank you very muvh, I’m heading to bed now. Snake, you are a terrible friend. Ooh, Snake, you rascal. You should bem ore like oyur brother, Murray! Ahahah, Ky and I are gonna have such a sweet year with our place. God, man, it;’s gonna be great to live with such a good friend. And people will be able to hang out all the time, like, open-time-ness, like a church, but a church where if you call “sanctuary”, like in Disney’s the Hunchback of Notre Dame, you don’t get safety from the law. They still come and get you. But they’ll have vto contend with us, and Ky will have a dog by then! A formidable defense, oyu might say? Also, you can be high there and we’ll supppory iyt. Just go for it. The opium den is like, a little room with dedication and inspiration and comfort, and it will indeed be the coolest of all rooms, with cushions and parties amd get-togethers, and the constant flow of friends. God I love my friends. I’m so glad I have tou giuys and girls. You’re all such big parts of my life, it’d just a great feeling to be where I am with oyu all. You mean a lot to me/ Good night.



Anonymous said...

I enjoyed the extra random letters and the few things that seemed to make no sense at all.

Very much Jordan stoner rambling... at high volume.

Probably why you dtiched me at lunchtime.....


Anonymous said...

Is it terrible that all of that made perfect sense to me...and I am not stoned?

Anonymous said...

Jawsome. Just jawsome.


Joe Guitar said...

Oh heck yeah...blogger from the green side.