

Caring about people. What’s up with that? Hahah, no, what I’m trying to say is, it’s difficult to tell if you care about people. I mean, wrap your head around this; A friend of yours gets hurts emotionally and when you find out about it, you feel the same emotion. That’s empathy. You feel what they feel, because you care about them. Or, do you feel empathy and then feel bad because you’re not feeling good?

I mean, the definition of caring about somebody is “not wanting them to get hurt in any way”, right? I’d say that’s pretty accurate. But then when you feel empathy for someone, are you wanting your friend to stop hurting because you care about them, or because you want your own bad feelings from the empathy to stop? I mean, it’s easy to *say* you care about someone, but even when you do feel that empathy, which a lot of people consider to be proof that you care, are you caring about them or caring about yourself?

I’d like to think I’m a caring person, for all my friends and family, but when it comes down to it, I doubt myself. And if there’s room for doubt in the question of whether you do or do not care, I’m gonna go ahead and say you’re fucked.

Am I mean? Not Kylan-mean, but a different type of mean? I’m just asking in general, neutral as fuck. Cause I wanna know.

On the subject of caring, while watching the Care Bears Movie the other day at BJ house, we decided which care bears we would be. I am Funshine Bear. The fuck if I remember anybody else’s bears. Anyways, I looked up “my” profile.

"Funshine Bear is the Care Bear's class clown. This playful bear really knows how to be funny and to have fun. Funshine Bear works hard to make sure that people have a good time. "Enjoy each day" is Funshine's motto and it's shown on the bear's symbol - a smiling sun!"

Mission: Helps people have fun.
Symbol: His smiling sun symbol reminds us to find the fun in each new day.
Personality: Fun and funny.
Character Quirk: He can do perfect impressions and sound effects. Color: Yellow.
Best Friend: Grumpy Bear (Ky)
Relationship Challenge: Share Bear, he teases her constantly but has a secret crush on her.
Motto: The fun starts here!


You know you're bored when you think "Hmmm... I could... do a bong hit and then touch myself."


Ky said...

what is 'kylan-mean' suposed to mean? cause i know i am a jerk sometimes but i generally care about people.
hahaha...and i guess i am grumpy bear...

Bean said...

Dammit, I missed out on the Care Bears convo... but I'm still the owner of the movie! BWAHAHAAAA!!
Sexy, sexy times.


Martha said...

i wish i was a care bear!!!!

also, kylan-mean is sometimes pretty hilarious, so ky, no worries ;)

mmmmm i think you are a tres caring person jordan darlin, so whenever you feel doubtful about that come see your party buddy and we will reaffirm your faith in your caringness
(does that makes sense?)

ok this word is ridiculous

ChaoticEggplantQueen said...

Hahaha; I find you to be a caring person. As in sincerely caring, is the big difference. You’re a genuine person, as far as I can tell, and thusly you genuinely care. Actual thought and concern means a lot more then flowered words and a façade of ‘oh gosh! I understand’. BUT MAYBE YOU’RE JUST TEH PUPPET MASTER!!!

All I know, is I've totally been there at the bong hoot befor, then laughing at myself.

ChaoticEggplantQueen said...

Uhh for some reason, it posted me, Nathan, as Jane.

WTF mate.

Martha said...

i was wondering who Jane was.....

Anonymous said...

Personality: Fun and funny.
So multi-dimensional!

VivaLaPinto said...

Nathan that could only happen to you!

I's always thought of you as caring. And we can all be mean. You are no more mean than anyone else in the program.

Also I wish I was a Care Bear. which one am I Jordan? Or do we have to get high first?