
No rush

When people dress cool in movies, it’s cool. When people dress the same in real life, they get looked at like freaks. That’s not fair. I wish I could dress like kick-ass peeps do in movies and it still be cool.

I think inter-racial sex between asian people and Caucasian people has an automatic bonus. If you’re a white man with an asian girl, she’s petite and, presumably, has a smaller and thus tighter vagina. Likewise, if you’re a white woman with an asian man… oh wait. Heheh, sucks to be white women.

The ultimate way to propose: Right now, before you’ve met the girl of your dreams, go out and buy an engagement ring. Then, using a knife or a sharp piece of glass, cut a slit right above your knee. Shove the ring in there and let it heal. Then, when you propose, get down on one knee, set her up like you’re gonna propose, but then pad your pants and shirt and jacket and such, acting like you’ve lost the ring. Give it a second, look longfully into her eyes, then pull out a knife (or sharp piece of glass) and proceed to cut open your leg. Success. Instant love.

Sometimes in movies and such people gain control of a specific element and that’s their superpower. It would suck having wind. I mean, if you could just whip stuff at people like in a hurricane and stuff, then cool, but otherwise, sucks to be wind.

Once the corporations have taken over, they will replace Religion as the belief system. WW3 will be the brand wars. Pepsi vs. Coca Cola. The smaller, shittier coutries that send modest supplies to help their respective side will be RC, President’s Choice and Great Value.

McDonald’s food has just gotten shittier and shittier as time progresses. Someday soon the burgers will come in little difficult-to-open Kraft Singles-like plastic wrappings and we’ll have to put them together ourselves.

I took apart all of my roaches tonight and made a large mass of roach-joint remainder, ripped up oil-laden roach-papers, and roach-shake (from an enormous shake-joint Ryan made a long time ago). I rolled it all into three good sized blunts. As I progressed, they got larger and scarier. I am excited for Brianna’s party. Two will probably go down. I don’t want to cater to many people, however, unless there is more weed present. I’m running right out, these are all I have left, and it’s not my responsibility to bring weed all the time. Party-buddy aside, people, if they want to get high, should bring pot with them.

I’m going to head to Avalon and apply for (get) a job there. It’ll be mindless, easy work to start saving money for next year and spending cash for, um, stuff.

The Time Guardian was a sweet-ass movie featuring Carrie Fisher, an Australian version of Charlie Sheen, a time-traveling City and cyborgs. Can you ask for more? Maybe some zombies? Okay, next time. Score.

Chill out people, just chill out. When you honestly think something is all terrible and epic, just ask yourself, “One year from now, will this be important?” Simple. Get laid the fuck back and stay there. The world won’t fuck with you if you don’t fuck with it. It just wants to go, guys, who are we to stop it? Let it just keep on rolling. If it wants to Listen to Limp Bizkit, well, deal with it. Soon the CD will end and you can put your shit back on. Really, it’s not so bad that on this road-trip we’re all on with life, that the world wants to listen to some of his music. We may not like it much, but we can deal with it. And hey, the more you hear it, the more it kind of grows on you, if you let yourself be open. So chill out, [if you’re having a rough day or week or whatever, the following applies] you can put on your stuff, just not right now.

I was wandering around the house naked this morning, looking for some toast or whatever and I saw my dog, instead of chilling in his bed, sitting on a chest we have in the spare bedroom, all alert, looking out the window at the driveway. That dog was totally waiting for his/my mom to come home. He’s deaf, eh? So I could finally just observe him without his being alert to my presence. It was the cutest/most adorable thing I’d seen in so long. That’s dedication right there. One day, I want to settle down, marry, and have a bitch wait longingly like that for me.

I’m really looking forward to moving out with Ky and Biff next year. I’m gonna take a year off to work and make money. Biff’s thinking about doing that too, and I’m pretty sure Ky’s heading straight through the program. But anyways, yeah, it’s gonna be hella-good times. I’ll still be ripping it up at all the theatre parties and such, and it’ll just be nice to have the money to go out to dinner and have copious amounts of weed and own a kick-ass bong and be able to lavish my girlfriend with sexy presents and stuff. It’ll just be a nice year.

I have my whole life ahead of me.

I am in *no* rush.


Ky said...

yeah dude...some of that stuff makes a lot of sense to me....and i am with you on the weed thing...not fair to supply for the whole party being as me and you are the only ones who ever buy any...maybe we should start saying "sorry, but i am going to smoke this joint with me and jordan and 1 other person" cause its really like 14 year old girls when there is 6 people to a joint...and i barely have enough money for me to get stoned....let alone the whole party....and i am very excited to move out...

Joe Guitar said...

all except the ring thing...I agree.

Joe Guitar said...
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Anonymous said...

Instant love you say? I'd say instant vomitting, haha.
I enjoyed that post. You're a wise one, Mr. Gregoire.

Akiyhrah said...

lol Yea, I'm pretty sure I have to agree with Jilly on that one. XD

VivaLaPinto said...

I am enamoured of this post! It entertained me a LOT. And I agree with you about the weed thing...I refuse to smoke any more pot until I buy a bag for myself, because I feel like a jackass being one of the six people to a joint.

Unknown said...

gay bar.. wednes day, with olives and new projectionist... bring james.

jordanibanez said...

Chances are, a lot of us will be there darling. I'll do my best :)

Unknown said...

:) good