
Rally my troops.

I’ve met three girls in my life whom I really liked. The first, I proposed to. We almost married. The second, I asked out, twice. She shot me down. Now, the third is complicated. Was complicated. She has a boyfriend and she loves him. Enough said. I’ll meet a fourth, one day. And that day will be a good day.


Queen of Hearts said...

i love you jordan.(especially as a pope) hehehe


Misha said...

you'll find someone...any girl would be LUCKY to have you :D


Anonymous said...

you are a wonderfully optimistic person

oh gregoire, i hearts you muchly!

Akiyhrah said...

Who is the second girl?? Well, she's crazy to turn you down. She doesn't know what she's missing.

Anonymous said...

You are amazing. That letter today almost had me in tears by the end, thank you soooo so much for your kind words, they mean so much to me =) I will be hunting you down for a hug tomorrow!
You and I should hang out more, you are crazy wicked awesome. I'm glad you're a part of my life too =)

jordanibanez said...

Kaitlyn: The second girl is completely unrelated to the Theatre program, you don't know her. She's really sweet, but she just wasn't interested... twice :P

Jill: I've been sitting here for, like, three minutes just thinking "What should I say?" Stupid. I heart you. Yes, let's. Good.

Alleah: That's the truest statement anyone has ever said in the history of the world. However, I am ignorant, and believe their is comfort out there to be found in another person.

Yes, it sucks that this happened, and yes, I would have much preferred it the other way, and yes, I was actually very surprised when things *didn't* work out, BUT, life's life. I'm a little down because of it, naturally, but I'm not in a big pit of depression or anything. Just a little brought down. Soon I'll probably find a buritto or something and it'll shoot me back up, but until then, just a little lonely, just a little down. Nothing to be worried about.

Akiyhrah said...

Well, like I said, she doesn't know what she's missing.

Ky said...

generic up-lifting guy comment