
Imperfect Gentleman.

I’m not going into detail, but little predicament I’m in.

There’s this girl I like, and she’s awesome. And I actually really like her. It’s a lot different from the little attractions I’ve had to people the passed while.

I think she likes me too. In fact, I’m pretty sure she does. And that makes me smile.

And then there’s the predicament. She has a long-distance relationship going with a boy a few hours away.

I have been nothing short of a gentleman, haven’t done anything bad or anything like that, but I’m actually hoping they break up.

I feel like a jerk because (scream) I’ve put this wonderful girl in a terrible position. No matter which decision she makes, she gonna hurt somebody.

A decent person would have left her alone from the beginning; untouchable, but I’ve put her into this awkward position.

I really hope this works out. She’s really something.

I really like this picture. Look at all the love in there.

** UPDATE **

She made me a burnt CD with The Commitments version of Try a Little Tenderness on it, because I mentioned I hadn't heard it the last time we were at the Gay bar. Come on! I mean, come on! COME ON!


Akiyhrah said...

Aww Gregoire, I wish there was somthing I could do

jordanibanez said...

Hahah, I wish that too ;) But hey, this is her decision. And I'm fine with that. Things work out, that's really cool. Things don't work out, not so cool, but deal-with-able. Hopefully that's not the case.

Anonymous said...

*Internet hugggggsssss* Just like Kaitlyn, I wish there was something I could do... I could give you cookies when I acquire more =)

Ky said...

i really like that sexy pic of us....man am i ever drunk in that pic...and i like that cowboy hat on me. dont worry bro..things tend to work themselves out

Brianna said...

man, we are sexy. Shower parties are the ultimate.